Double 3 at the museum: when art and technology go together


July 2nd, 2020 – “IL GIORNO”

During the period of Covid-19, many Art institutions around the world were forced to reinvent their offer, both in terms of content and access methods. They have launched online viewing paths, virtual tours, podcasts, art classes, etc. Some pushed themselves to explore new ways and new worlds in the field of remote accessibility.

But experimentation in museums is nothing new. For 30 years, museums have been places of experimentation with hybrid forms to make the sharing of art possible through additional experiences, but not as substitutes for the standard ones.

The opportunity of the Robotic Telepresence in museums not only opens to the possibility of making a remote visit real but also creates efficient alternatives for the management and the organization of the processes of the museum as an institution.
For example, at the National Gallery of Modern and Contemporary Art in Rome, where Double 3 is being tested, it was possible to use the Robotic Telepresence during an exchange with the Marmottan Museum in Paris. Paul Cezane’s “Le Cabanon du Jourdan” went to France and “Le ponte japonais” came to Italy. The robot Double 3 allowed the French curator, who was supposed to travel with the painting, to connect with the museum remotely and experience all the reception procedures of the work of art in the new location.

As explained by Dr. Collu, the director of the Gallery: “Relations between cultural institutions cannot be replaced by a robot, but neither can they be interrupted in a complicated period such as the post lockdown. If the curator cannot travel with the painting, the Telepresence allows him/her to rely on colleagues at the museum of arrival to monitor the safety conditions of the installation.

Read the article

Back to work: the Robotic Telepresence revolution


The VIS case: the use of Double 3 as the first robot for the person and people satisfaction as the main effectiveness KPI

“With the start of phase 3, organizations will have to identify hybrid forms of working methods to return in the workplace: we are facing the possibility of making a great leap in managerial innovation expected since the 60s”. This is the prediction of Luisa Bagnoli, CEO of Beyond International, a consulting company based in Milan mainly focused on leadership and managerial innovation linked to future trends. “For September companies are talking about working at 50% in presence and 50% remotely – she observes – that means that the teams will no longer have to be present in the same place”.

At the same time this will be an epochal paradigm shift. In fact, before the pandemic, the paradigm of “prediction and control” still prevailed, certainly not that one of shared autonomy “.

Among the companies that in the world have already adopted robotic telepresence there is the Finnish KONE which in Illinois uses the Double device in the internal organization for training courses, to follow remote work groups or for 24/7 technical assistance. Or the Red Interactive Agency in Santa Monica (California) where, after being greeted with skepticism, the tool has become a true extension of the workforce, distributed in various American cities, also in order to find the best resources wherever they are, optimizing the experience of the employees themselves.

One of the first users in Italy is VIS (Vitec Imaging Solutions), a division of the Vitec group (listed in London) that produces supports and accessories for imaging, with brands such as Manfrotto, Joby, Lowepro and Gitzo. In 2019, it had a turnover of 196.6 million pounds out of the 376.1 million of the whole group. Vis, in the first six months of 2020, contributed 53% of the group’s turnover, despite a contraction in turnover caused by the retail lockdown. At the same time, Vitec reduced its debt by 1 million pounds (down to 107.4 million) while maintaining the ability to invest in R&D and M&A.

Double 3, remotely controlled, will be used to communicate between the Feltre plant, the English plants, the Hong Kong buying center and the central operations functions.

“During the lockdown we activated the remote working for our employees on a global scale, recording an increase in productivity – explains Marco Pezzana, CEO of Vis – 50% of people then asked to continue this agile work method  even during the 2nd phase. For the return, it is not a matter of replacing the skills of the employees with technology: we consider the use of Double 3 as the first robot ‘for’ the person and the main ‘KPI’ will be employee satisfaction”.

Double 3 Robotics Presence for Business

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Beyond International, exclusive partner for Italy of Double Robotics (California)

As experts say, it is expected that in Phase 3 the work will have hybrid forms: 50%  remote working and 50% in-person work in the offices. With the Robotic Presence this 50% in presence in the offices can be enhanced.

So you can make your people enter the company safely, whether it is to enter production, warehouses, factories, laboratories, offices, showrooms, stores. 

Double 3, the telepresence robot, is distributed in Italy by Beyond International, the exclusive partner of the Californian Double Robotics.


Beyond International, the exclusive partner for Italy of Double Robotics, recommends Double 3 which has been estimated as the easiest and most adaptable telepresence robot for many use cases.

Supported Driving

Supported driving: Double 3 understands its environment and diverts around obstacles to reach the destination

Click & Drive

Click & Drive: the dots on the floor indicate the destination, you only need to click!

Cameras Zoom

Cameras zoom allows to have both a panoramic and a detailed view

Remotely controlled height and inclination

You can move the cameras up and down to read documents on the desk and talk to the people at their same height

How it works

It’s an actual robot equipped with a screen, microphones, speakers and a metal body, capable of moving in space thanks to special sensors. It allows the person who commands it from a laptop or a mobile, to be able to move independently in a space, at home, in the office, in a production plant, in a shop or department store, in the hospital, at the university, in a training room.

Robotic Presence: Double 3

Robotic Presence Double 3


Robotic presence” we like to define it and not robotic telepresence as it would be correct.

In Beyond International we have been using it for more than two years, our people would “turn on” in our offices, they work remotely and they enter the office not through the door but by switching on in the robot.

A robot is a machine that, unlike Industry 4.0, does not replace the person but allows that person to move in spaces and places where he/she cannot be physically present.

Think about remote working: maybe you are at home, by the sea or in the woods, at 9 AM or just for 1 hour: the robot that gives you a body with which you can move around in your office. You cannot drink coffee with colleagues, but you can stand next to them while they sip it.

Another case where it’s useful it’s the social distancing that we hope will end but which remains for now. With it the robotic presence allows us to work safely. The Robotic Presence, therefore, simplifies our life. It makes it safer and more enjoyable for us. “

Luisa Bagnoli, CEO of Beyond International


It’s an actual robot equipped with a screen, microphones, speakers and a metal body capable of moving in space thanks to special sensors. It allows the person who commands it from a laptop or a mobile, to be able to move independently in a space, at home, in the office, in a production plant, in a shop or department store, in the hospital, at the university, in a training room.


Beyond International, the exclusive partner for Italy of Double Robotics, recommends Double 3 which has been estimated as the easiest and most adaptable telepresence robot for many use cases.

Supported Driving

Supported driving: Double 3 understands its environment and diverts around obstacles to reach the destination.

Click & Drive

Click and Drive: the dots on the floor indicate the destination, you only need to click!

Cameras Zoom

Cameras zoom allows to have both a panoramic and a detailed view.

Remotely controlled height and inclination

You can move the cameras up and down to read documents on the desk and talk to the people at their same height.

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Robotic Presence: Beyond International, exclusive partner of Double Robotics (California) for Italy

How it works

It’s an actual robot equipped with a screen, microphones, speakers and a metal body, capable of moving in space thanks to special sensors. It allows the person who commands it from a laptop or a mobile, to be able to move independently in a space, at home, in the office, in a production plant, in a shop or department store, in the hospital, at the university, in a training room.

Elena Corchero

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Come partecipare?


Robotic Presence

Chi è Elena Corchero?

Elena Corchero è direttore di Emerging Technology presso News Corporation e CEO di Room One, un laboratorio tecnologico che unisce AI, IoT, VR e altre innovazioni. È esperta a livello mondiale di materiali intelligenti e Wearable Technologies.

È stata eletta tra le top 3 innovatrici in campo tecnologico del Regno Unito per l’anno 2015 e, nel 2018 è stata inserita nella lista TechWomen100.

Elena è stata ricercatrice del MIT Media Lab Europe Research e ha conseguito un Master in Material Futures presso il Central Saint Martins College di Londra.

Future Trends & Inspirational Mentorship

“Predire il futuro significa imparare ad anticipare i bisogni, le esigenze, i desideri spesso ancora latenti delle persone anche attraverso l’analisi dei dati"
Luisa Bagnoli
CEO Beyond International

Come dice l’Unesco abbiamo bisogno di una Future Literature, ovvero abbiamo bisogno di una visione. 

Non si tratta di essere esperti di coding, per lo meno non tutti, abbiamo però bisogno di spingerci nel cambiamento in atto, di viverlo, di comprenderlo, di farne parte. Comprendere meglio il ruolo che avrà il futuro in ciò che vediamo e facciamo diventa sempre di più una competenza richiesta dal mercato. 

Future Trends è il luogo dove diventare più abili nel comprendere il futuro, dove avvengono le contaminazioni, la cross-fertilization, dove gli esploratori creano innovazione per rispondere al mondo che cambia.


The agile tool for an “in-presence” remote working: Robotic Presence

Robotic Presence, the agile tool for an “in-presence” remote working

June 22, 2020 – Il Giorno

Beyond International has become the exclusive partner of the Californian Double Robotics, manufacturer of Double3 which is the latest generation of telepresence robots.

The Robotic Presence is the possibility for all companies to get their people back safely in the office, guaranteeing social distancing. You can enter the body of the robot by activating it remotely and move around in your office or in a production plant, to manage all the activities that are usually done in presence such as attending a meeting, monitoring processes, giving feedback, train a new employee.

Companies are looking for hybrid forms of work that integrate remote working formulas with forms of real presence in the workplace.
“The robotic presence is the new paradigm of smart working” assures Luisa Bagnoli, founder and CEO of Beyond International. The remote working has now spread and in a few months forced us make a digital mental switch that would have lasted perhaps years under normal conditions (the middle class especially went “online”).

Now the matter is to understand how to create hybrid forms of work, cooperation, how to think of the headquarters as hubs and no longer as offices. The Robotic Presence can be the agile tool to be present in the headquarters. Double 3 is therefore more a service than a product in itself”.

Read the full article here.

Il rientro in azienda, rivoluzione Telepresenza Robotica


Il caso aziendale VIS: l’uso di Double come primo robot per la persona e, come principale KPI di efficacia, la soddisfazione delle persone

“Con l’inizio della Fase 3, le organizzazioni dovranno identificare forme ibride nelle modalità di lavoro per il rientro in azienda: siamo davanti alla possibilità di compiere un salto di innovazione manageriale atteso dagli anni ’60”. La previsione è di Luisa Bagnoli, AD di Beyond International, società milanese di consulenza per la leadership e l’innovazione manageriale legata ai Future Trends.

«Per settembre si parla di lavoro al 50% in presenza e 50% Smart Working. – osserva – I team non dovranno più essere presenti nello stesso posto nello stesso momento e questo sarà un cambiamento epocale di paradigma. Prima della pandemia, infatti, prevaleva ancora quello della “predizione e controllo“, non certo quello dell’autonomia condivisa».

Tra le aziende che nel mondo hanno già adottato la telepresenza robotica c’è la finlandese Kone che in Illinois usa il device Double  per i corsi di formazione, per seguire gruppi di lavoro da remoto o per il supporto tecnico 24/7. Anche nell’agenzia Red Interactive di Santa Monica (California) dove, dopo essere stato accolto con scetticismo, lo strumento è diventato una vera estensione della forza lavoro sparsa in varie città americane, anche allo scopo di trovare le migliori risorse ovunque siano.

In Italia, tra le prime aziende c’è VIS (Vitec Imaging Solutions), divisione del gruppo Vitec (quotato a Londra) che produce supporti e accessori per l’imaging, con marchi come Manfrotto, Joby, Lowepro e Gitzo. Nel 2019 ha fatturato 196,6 milioni di sterline sui 376,1 milioni del gruppo. Nei primi sei mesi del 2020, Vis ha contribuito al 53% del volume di affari del gruppo, nonostante una contrazione del fatturato causata dal lockdown del retail. Al contempo, Vitec ha ridotto l’indebitamento di 1 milione di sterline (sceso a 107,4 milioni) mantenendo la capacità di investire su ricerca, sviluppo e possibili M&A.

Double 3, comandato da remoto, servirà per la comunicazione fra gli stabilimenti di Feltre e quello inglese, il buying center di Hong Kong e le funzioni centrali di operations.
“Nel lockdown abbiamo attivato lo Smart Working per i nostri dipendenti su scala globale, registrando un aumento di produttività – spiega Marco Pezzana, Ceo di Vis – Il 50% ha chiesto di continuare il lavoro agile anche nella fase 2. Per il rientro non si tratta di sostituire le competenze dei lavoratori con la tecnologia: concepiamo l’uso di Double 3 come il primo robot ‘per’ la persona e il principale “Kpi” sarà la soddisfazione del dipendente”.