Erika Rosenberg will be our next speaker at the Future Trends & Inspirational Mentorship

The next event of the Future Trends & Inspirational Mentorship scheduled for the 20th of May will see the participation of the greatest expert of facial micro-expressions in the world.

Erika Rosemberg begins to study the relationship between behavior and physiology first in the field of neuroscience then in Health Psychology at the University of California. Here she meets Paul Ekman, author of the neuro-cultural theory of emotions, becoming then his scholar. With Ekman, in addition to shared research on the subject, she writes the manual What the face reveals, a text that collects the main and most important researches of the Facial Action Coding System. The so-called FACS is today the most famous and reliable method for reading facial expressions; a coding system that has established itself in the scientific field as the most effective and complete tool for the study of facial expressions. Widespread in the scientific community and used in the FBI training programs and other security-related services, the coding system is today the object of research of several different disciplines and various publications.

Currently Erika Rosenberg, besides holding seminars all over the world, is also a professor at the Center for Compassion & Altruism Research at Stanford and a meditation teacher at the University of Berkeley, thus dealing with the connections between science and meditation, both as an expert in coding facial expressions and both as a scientist who studies emotions.

Her charismatic presence and expertise have also inspired the creation of the character “Gillian Foster” (Kelli Williams), co-protagonist together with “Cal Lightman” (Tim Roth) of the famous TV show “Lie to Me” (2009).

Connected to our offices via Robotic Presence from California, Rosenberg will lead us in the understanding of how feelings are revealed in our facial expressions and how social factors can influence our emotional signals. During the mentorship, we will analyze current and future applications of the facial analysis, applications also linked to new technologies: from human resources to negotiation, from the doctor-patient relationship, to education, up to cinema and media.